Razveselile so nas nove knjige, ki smo jih vzeli v roke z velikim zanimanjem. Nekaj je klasik, brez katerih si raziskovalke in raziskovalci odnosov med mladimi in mediji preprosto ne moremo predstavljati, ena pa je čisto nova, letošnja, in prav tako veliko obeta.
- Na vrhu je Jens Qvortrup (ur.), 2005: Studies in Modern Childhood: Society, Agency, Culture.
- Sledi mu druga izdaja Stuart Hall in Tony Jefferson (ur.), 2012: Resistance through rituals: Youth subcultures in post-war Britain.
- Pod njo je David Buckingham in Rebekah Willett (ur.), 2006: Digital Generations: Children, Young People, and the New Media.
- Za tem Ian Hutchby in Jo Moran-Ellis (ur.), 2001: Children, technology and culture: the impacts of technologies in children’s everyday lives.
- Nato še Barrie Gunter, 2019: Children and Mobile Phones: Adoption, Use, Impact, and Control.
- In še Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, Tama Leaver, Leslie Haddon (ur.), 2021: The Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children.
- Na fotografiji manjka Sonia Livingstone in Julian Sefton-Green, 2016: The class: living and learning in the digital age, morda zato, ker je bralka ni mogla izpustiti iz rok.